1:1 Spiritual Coaching and Activation

Sound Healing with Reiki

Personal Light Pillar Build/ Rods of Light

Reiki Land Clearing/ Pillar Build

R.A.A.H Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing

with Entity Removal

1:1 Spiritual Coaching and Activation

Hi! My name is Kim. I am an ancient wisdom keeper. I am also in service to you and in support of your acsention journey in part by providing customized modalities which can include using pathways of sound, frequency, vibration and light.

I am here to open the gates to your soul for divine remembrance for a return of your power in whatever way that looks like. i am a clear vessel and hold the abilities to channel, to heal, and to teach you and lead you back to yourself.

price: 1hr 30 min- $188.88

Be aware of the existence of your own Soul. The energetic, eternal, consistancy. The real you. The essence of who you are. What holds your unicity. Your own frequency and your beloved light.
— unknown

Personal Light pillar build/Rods of Light

Pillars…what do they do? Why?

A direct conduit of celestial plasma light from Source that connects you to the etheric crystalline grid and anchors into Mother Earths crystalline grid lines providing a container to anchor the energies that are coming— aiding in holding the higher frequencies for healing and the ascention process. '

Rods of Light…

a Lemurian spiritual technology passed from the Manyans and the Kahunas in hawaii..they are 3 rods of light (think of them as light tubes) that are aligned and intuitively expanded..energetically intersecting your pineal gland. These are your Antennae. They receive vibrations and frequencies and link the brain to the heart. During the fall…we went from heart based to brain based and the ascention has everything to do with going from the brain back to the heart—-as we are Love and are returning to love- to oneness. Another modality of support for your ascention pathway.

This service starts with a sound bath- aligning the Chakras…building a personal pillar encoded with light codes, tones and sacred geometries. The rods will be cleansed, and begin an intuitive alignment

Price: 1 hr- $111.11

Reiki Land Clearing and Pillar Build

Reiki Land clearing and pillar build

Similar to a personal Pillar of light- this is also A direct conduit of celestial plasma light from Source that connects your home and land to the etheric crystalline grid and anchors it into Mother Earths crystalline grid lines providing a container to anchor the energies that are here which Aids in holding the higher frequencies for healing those within the pillar field and the Land as well .

Why use Reiki energy on the Land?…

Reiki can be used to clear the layers of the land and within the quantum field. One can experience peace and harmony in their home, business, or land when negative, discordant energies, spirit attachments are released. The land holds energy and traumas as well and also is ascending.

This session is done remotely and on site (If local). Using Google Earth to get a visual of the land and its layout -I will use R.A.A.H angelic Reiki to clear and sense to see if any other energy work needs to be done such as removing negative portals , if found. THen a pillar or series of pillars will be customized to the location using intentions, sounds and frequencies to contain the quantum light field.

Full address is needed in the booking note or emailed to

Price: 1 hr- $88.88

Meet Steele!

He is my Chesapeake Bay Retriever who does energy work himself. he often goes with me on the land and repairs the grid as I amplify and add to the structure of the grid


many experience blockages of energy that do not allow a deep enough connection to their higher self during meditation, dreamtime and throughout their spiritual development. During the R.A.A.H Reiki Healing session and with the higher selves permission, negative energies that do not serve you for your highest good are removed. The combination of the sacred angelic Alchemy energy work sound bath, creates a bridge for you to begin connecting stronger to your higher self.

with the aid of the Angelic’s and ascended masters of creation, we have developed a technique that is called r.A.A.H Reiki angelic alchemy healing, the potential of the deepest healing allowed have been greatly increased. Reiki Angelic Alchemy is a term given to the practice which integrates the use of ancient and sacred alchemy with energy work. its use creates a deeper connection to higher realms when performing the healings.

R.A.A.H Reiki Healing is an Entity removal Technique, which birthed forth from the Universe’s sacred mysteries, and knowledge. Assisting you profoundly, in learning to walk a most organic path, with a deep understanding and connection in how to remove yourself from the 3D inverted A.I. Matrix. Truly, a guide to ascention. This is done remotely via Zoom.

price: 2hrs- $277.77

This modality can initiate the beginning in self healing the Covid-19 vaccine. Depending on how many Covid-19 vaccines and boosters you have received, and how long ago you received these, will indicate how many A.U.r.A Hypnosis Healing session(s) you may need. i will begin to offer this service in late SPRING.

tHE r.A.a.H reiki Healing is profoundly able to bridge forth the list below of self healing during your body scan:

Damage from all types of immunizations, vaccines, A.I. illnesses. disease, vision, DNA Repair, blocked or misaligned chakras, issues with auric field, negative cords, negative implants, hooks, portals, removal of entities, fragmented soul, removal of negative contracts, and traumas from current or past lives.

We have found that entities, A.I. and negative energies we hold within us through both our physical and energy bodies, are the root cause of illness. Once these inversions are released, the body is then able to reach the high enough vibration to begin its journey of self healing. Being that, what was once energetically clogged, like a river needing to be in flow is no longer stagnant. allowing an infinite flow of your organic love-light to once again freely channel through the vessel, metamorphosing the body back into its original, organic, pure, soul blueprint. In turn, self-heal oneself.

Why do you need to raise your Vibration anyway?

We are moving from a 3rd- dimension reality, where we have been for a VERY long time, to a 5th-dimentional reality. This doesn’t mean we are going anywhere, it simply means that we are raising in vibration so that we can exist in a higher frequency dimension.

As Matea (Earth) raises her vibration, we have to raise our individual vibrations as well as she will no longer be able to hold lower vibrational frequencies. This is the ascention process that all sentient beings are in. There are many tools that can assist…these offerings are a few - remember to live your life in love and joy and allow your Soul to lead you to what lights you up and brings purpose and meaning to the creater being that you are.

i love you, honor you, and respect you.


kimberly Measel
light pillar/Grid Architect Sound Vibrational Healer, Activator Spiritual Advisor, Reiki Master, R.A.A.H Reiki Practitioner, Akashic Record Practitioner, Quantum Alchemist